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Pomeroy - ceramic, glazed, fused glass. 15" H x 15" L x 8" W
Pomeroy's charm and good looks have, over the years, made him a teacher's pet and a frequent recipient of discounted prices. Unlike other creatures with similar gifts, Pomeroy never let these special traits spoil him, and he is always gracious and appreciative. He would be a great role model in a home with young, wayward children, although care must be taken to avoid making Pomeroy the favorite. In addition, strongly advise youngsters not to try playing "Horsey" with Pomeroy: he has claws. $395 - adopted.

Humphrey- ceramic, glazed, fused glass. 9" H x 15" L x 8" W
Humphrey has issues. You can see one perched on his face. He also looks exactly like his mother, which made her proud but which provided too much material for classroom teasing. Humphrey dealt with it all by focusing on his tail feathers and his toys. He will spend too much time preening and hoarding unless he finds a home with positive reinforcement and tolerant acceptance. It goes without saying that there can be no jokes about facial features, even really funny ones. $375 - adopted.

Rupert- ceramic, glazed, fused glass. 12" H x 15" L x 9" W
Rupert is a charming and well mannered creature. He makes friends without effort and is the one to keep relationships alive by staying in touch and offering small kindnesses. The problem is the phone bill. When Rupert looks at you like this, he is usually asking you to dial someone long-distance. His lack of fingers and earning potential make him resort to skilled and wily begging. Make sure any children know not to fall for Rupert's wheedling. Rupert has promised to learn to make more local friends, starting with a new family, but he still bears watching. $375 - adopted.
Mannheim - ceramic, acrylic paint. 10" H x 9" L x 8" W
Mannheim has always been a little worried about his small size and short legs, especially around cats and dogs. When he went for his associate's degree at Valencia Community College, he also realized that he couldn't drive. Suddenly aware of how large and scary the world is, Mannheim has learned to prefer really cushy armchairs and some family-friendly television. If you want to expand Mannheim's horizons and take him out for a spin in your car, be sure to buckle him up! $250 - adopted.

Winston - ceramic, glazed. 18" H x 14" L x 11" W
Winston was a quiet, withdrawn creature until one day he went to a small carnival and saw the ponies at the pony ride. Ever since, he has had fantasies of being just like them, overlooking the part about working outdoors for a living. He longs for trans-species surgery, but to date no medical facility will even discuss that option. In the meantime, he is working on his tolerance of small children. $250 - adopted.

Bruce - ceramic, glazed. 12" H x 14" L x 11" W
When you're small, you've gotta have a tough attitude. At least, that's what Bruce believes. He has been working on "the look" since he was a pup. Don't be fooled: he has a soft heart and really likes a good joke. He is especially enjoys perfecting his scowl on the unsuspecting: try him out in the middle of a dark open doorway and watch your houseguests panic. $200.

Simon - ceramic, glazed, with fused glass. 15" H x 16" L x 8" W
Simon was very young and was jumping up and down in the clean laundry when the bad men came. They dressed Simon's entire family in frilly outfits and hauled them off to the Cirque du Soleil. Simon avoided this fate by diving into the clothes dryer, but ever since has had deep-seated anxieties about abduction and circuses. He would like to live in a home with very little drama and very good locks. $350 - adopted.

Burgess - ceramic, glazed, with fused glass. 15" H x 15" L x 8" W
Burgess realized the he resembled a celestial body when he was in grade school. Since then, he has cultivated a sober, almost stern expression because he figured he should project the inherent dignity of the Sun. Burgess tends to over-think things like this. Deep down, however, he is very silly and will sometimes wet himself if you let him watch the Comedy Channel. Treat him with dignity and don't give him the remote if you value your carpet. $350 - adopted.

Nancy Krug
210 Tubb St. #637
Oakland, FL  34760
cell:  407-492-0668
Creatures, stories, website © Rare Creatures